With the public bus line:
- 183 from Bozen|Bolzano
- 180 from Karerpass|Passo Carezza, Lake Carezza, Welschnofem|Nova Levante*.
- 184 from Eggen|Ega, Obereggen*
- 181 from Weissenstein|Pietralba, Petersberg|Monte S. Pietro, Deutschnofen|Nova Ponente, Stenk*
- 180 or 181 from Birchabruck|Ponte Nova*
- 182 from Gummer|S. Valentino, Steinegg|Collepietra*
- 180 from Val di Fassa*
* change 183 Bozen|Bolzano bus station
Bus stop: Kardaun|Cardano cemetery; online timetable search on Südtirol Mobil:
www.suedtirolmobil.infoLocation: Pitzner - Winery & Suites:
https://goo.gl/maps/3tWBov2kPEeFK1oy9By car:
Destination: Kardaun - Pitzner Winery
Parking: Pitzner - Winery & Suites: